TO DO List - 5/4/94 HNR Partial fix and wish list 1. Fix UNITSCAN for upload. Provides documentation. 2. Work on printer support. Either hard code ESC seqs for some dot matrix - like compressed mode, LQ, ... or make a loadable printer code file. 3. Make and post serious wish list for lib v2. 4. DB utility - IMPORT not yet coded, rest working. 5. Validate and nail down .dbt MEMO support. I think it works ok but needs testing. 6. Find out why ALPHA4 likes my dbf files just fine, but ACCESS says they are corrupted. It would be nice to have some real spec for file formats, not just deduced. 7. Refine utility on-line documentation, standardize access to help screens. F1 for interactive, "?" as cmd line param. 8. Figure out procedures for integrating new library code. WISH LIST 1. Structure for xBase index files. Sample code? 2. Get updated Editor Toolbox or whatever so TED can compile with TP7 3. Sound Blaster toolkit. Text-to-speech. 4. Scanner TWAIN support for DOS ? 5. MSCDEX in DOS environment - Music CD player in Pascal? 6. Find a minimal text editor and/or word-processor module for TP7. I have to be able to get at keyboard level to define my own function keys and be able to do background processing while waiting for keystrokes. I'll buy one if necesary (or if it exists). Need small and simple. Borland's BINED was just great, but I'm getting tired of tracking down the updated version with each new compiler version.